Available Prints

This list displays my paintings that are available as paper or canvas prints. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

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I photographed these Pronghorn Antelope in the Davis Mountains. The Pronghorn is a unique species with no other relatives in the world. They are NorthAmericas fastest land animal and can maintain speeds of 60 miles per hour or more for hours on end.

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This is a view of our ranch in Bosque County near Clifton, Texas. In late May and early June the Indian Blankets blossomed and seemed to set the landscape on fire with color!

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We live in Bosque County, Texas where the spring wildflowers are about as beautiful as you will find anywhere. This barn is near Cranfills Gap but I turned the small barn to stone and then parked the old pickup truck beside it!

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I was driving east of Waco on a hot summer day when I came upon a herd of Milk Cows cooling themselves off in a stock tank. I've seen my own cattle do this but the contrast of the blue water and black and white patterns on the Cows is what got my attention.

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Coming up with a brilliant plan, solving the world’s problems or just catching up on the latest gossip? Whatever reason, sometimes a fella just needs a little social contact!

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When we go to the beach we always bring some old stale bread and start throwing it into the air. Within seconds seagulls come from everywhere and hang around for a while after the bread runs out, hoping for more.

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This Hackberry Tree is out in our yard and has been a host to lots of birds like this Yellow Shafted Flicker, (a medium sized woodpecker) who dine on bugs that hide in its Bark!

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This is my idea of how a day should begin! "Up early with a nice hot cup of coffee and some good company to watch the sunrise while contemplating all of our blessings! After such a great start, it's hard for the day to go any other way!" The porch is near Red Oak, Texas the Barn is at Fairy, Texas and the Cowboy and Dog were at the Stamford Cowboy Reunion!

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This painting was done from a fishing trip I went on with Jud & Bob Brady in the Laguna Madre near Port Isabel. On that morning it was overcast and as the sun heated the air the clouds began to break up. The sunrays dancing on the water seemed to be pointing out the best fishing spots!

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A tree is a real special place after a few hours in the hot blazing Texas sun and is like walking into an air conditioned room by comparison!

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Christmas 1980. Early one morning I saw a bright colored bird sunning himself on a fence and singing. His song was so pure and happy that it lifted my spirits and I wondered why he had so much to sing about. After thinking for a while I realized he was happy just to be alive and that I had just as much and even more to sing about!

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This barn, between Groesbeck and Mart, Texas, stopped me in my tracks as I was traveling to an Art Show. I can't explain why but I got a mental picture of it in a snow storm and thought it needed the Cardinal on the fence post to brighten it up! "When the snow is falling and all is silent The sky is cold gray and colors are muted A Cardinal lights with a flash of bright red It's no surprise that he's a sign of good luck!"

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This is the last of Austin's Classic Dancehalls and is located at 3201 South Lamar. James and Anetta White opened the Broken Spoke in 1964 and it has featured the Who's Who of Entertainers in Country Music as well as hosted famous folks from all around the world including the Queen of England's entourage!

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Dense brush covers much of South Texas and although it isn't of much use to man it provides a haven for an extremely numerous wildlife population. Early one morning as I drove between Beeville and Alice I found the inspiration for this painting beside the highway, much the same as I did for my previous print "Passing By".

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I was at a ranch tour near Pawhuska, Oklahoma a few years ago and noticed these two little Cowboys keeping the herd under control. I'll bet they've grown some by now and their hats fit a little better.

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This painting was published on my 2007 Texas Classic Gas Stations Calendar. This Station was built in 1926 in Winters, Texas as a Magnolia Station and switched to Texaco in 1934 and operated there until 1958. in 1989 Dr. R. Lee Rode moved it to its present location at the Buffalo Gap Historic Village and restored it to its original look.

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The only time a Thunderhead is unwelcome to me is when I'm at an Outdoor Art Show. These astonishingly beautiful powerhouses are true miracles because we mortals can't even make a spark of electricity from heat, air and water, yet a lightning bolt has millions of volts and can arc for miles across the sky!

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Opened in 1950 at 1150 Austin Highway in San Antonio and Current Owner Carlos Villasana started working there in 1951! In the 50's John Wayne and the cast of the Alamo were frequent customers as well as Comedian George Goebel who owned property next door!!

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This Huge Live Oak is near the 13th Tee of the Pecan Valley Golf Course in San Antonio but in earlier times it was midway between the Old Goliad Road and the Gonzales Road which were two of the most traveled roads in Early Texas. It is believed that Stephen F. Austin and his force of 600 men camped here in his campaign to drive out Mexican Troops. The name Burnt Oak probably resulted from the many campfires that burned beneath its branches.

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This Painting may "BUG" (pun intended) some folks and others will get a chuckle but no one that drives can say this hasn't happened to them! This is my 1929 Studebaker, the piney woods of East Texas are behind and the mountains of West Texas are reflected in the windshield! This was a good way to include 10 more Butterflies, Clockwise from upper Left are: Red Spotted Purple, Viceroy, White-M Hairstreak, Buckeye, Red Admiral, American Snout, Clouded Sulphur, Southern Dogface, Cabbage White, and Clouded Sulphur.

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